Barcode Scanning
Types of Barcodes:
The most common type of Barcode is the 1 Dimensional barcode.
Barcodes can be grouped onto 3 distinct different groups. Mainly 1 dimensional, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional. Each group of barcode would require different types of Scanner to decode the Barcode.
Within each group there are different formats of barcode, the different formats are called Symbologies.
Before choosing a scanner you need to know the following:
- Group of barcode to be scanned. E.g. 1 Dimensional, 2 Dimensional or 3 Dimensional.
- Barcode Symbology.
- Application of scanner E.g. Retail, Commercial, Data Acquisition Etc.
- The type of connectivity. E.g. USB, PS2 or RS232.
These criteria would then narrow the field of choice.
The most commonly used group of Barcodes are the 1 Dimensional codes, with symbologies such as EAN8, EAN13, Code 128, Code 39, 2 out of 5 interleaved and many others.
The EAN 13 and EAN 8 are the most commonly used Barcodes in the Retail industry and can be seen on any consumable product manufactured in SA. Interleaved 2 out of 5 used for outer cases. If you require a Scanner for retail purposes these are the most common codes scanned. The use of 1 Dimensional Barcodes is not however restricted to retail purposes.
2 Dimensional Barcodes are used when more data has to be stored in the code, other than just the number and algorithm. A 2 Dimensional Barcode is could for instance contain 3 data feeds; item identification number, a serial number and a date of manufacture. With 1 Dimensional scanner you would have to generate a Barcode for each data field and scan each Barcode separately, whereas the 2 Dimensional Barcode would only be scanned once and all the data would be passed onto the host.